Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Into The Void

Those of you who know me maybe be asking yourselves...dude, seriously?

Those of you who don't know me.....Hi.

Why am I doing this?  Consider it an experiment.  That's how I'm approaching it.

I used to write quite a bit.  I was exceptional at it, in my opinion.  However, I chose an alternate career path that didn't require these talents.  I'm not saying that I chose the wrong path, but I can say that I made the mistake of choosing to ignore an avenue I used to express myself in the best way I possibly could.

I'm not a conversationalist.  As Chili Palmer said, I never say more than I have to.  It drives the people closest to me nuts.  I've gotten better at it, but sometimes, I find a bit of silence to be a glorious thing.

So this will be the place.  I have a need to write about the things that interest me.  Facebook doesn't really give me that avenue, and I can't express complete thoughts in 140 characters.  I've chosen to do this through Blogspot as I have no idea how far I will take this.  Maybe I'll invest in my own site if my narcissistic ramblings gain any traction.  I don't know that I'm an expert on any subject.  I just know what I know.

This blog has no theme or central focus, at least for the time being.

I'm heavily into all genres of music - sometimes, I will write about that.

I'm a musician- sometimes, I will write about that.

I'm a huge movie buff - sometimes, I will write about that.

I am a homebrewer and consider myself a beer connoisseur - sometimes, I will write about that.

I love baseball and hockey - sometimes, I will write about that.

I have random thoughts all day long - sometimes, I will write about those.

I have no interest in world politics or organized religion, except to say that the world would be a finer place without both.  That is about all I will ever write about that.

Comments and discussion are welcome.  Talk to you soon.

Peace and love, peace and love...


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